  Raport dotyczący stanu środowiska Turcji 14.03.2025 10:44 (UTC)

Between 30.09.2012 and 05.10.2012 a group of students fom Zespół Szkół w Tuchowiczu went to Turkey. The visit was possible thanks to the Comenius Project Foreign Mirrors that our school is involved in. Turkey is a very beautiful country. Nevertheless, we could observe there various environmental threats.

            Kocaeli and its surroundings are the industrial region. There are many factories and plants. The pollution comes mainly from the industry  (the chemical pollution) and from the  households.

In the water reservoirs in the whole country there live masses of jellyfish. That means that the water is not seriously polluted. In Poland there is a lot of rubbish in the rivers, the similar phenomenon is also present in Turkey, but not to such an extent.

The main natural threat in Turkey are the earthquakes. Although they are not very frequent their destructive power is enormous and they cause great losses. During the visit the participants of the project could see the photos and expositions showing the destructions caused by the earthquakes in Turkey in the museum. There, they could experience what the victims of the earthquake feel.

Overpopulation in towns is another issue. Towns are crowded and the traffic jams are common. The exhaust fumes which go to the atmosphere are a serious source of pollution.


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  "Foreign Mirrors"
Each European country should protect and preserve its natural and cultural environment since they belong to the whole Europe.

Każdy kraj europejski powinien chronić i zachowywać swoje środowisko naturalne i kulturowe, ponieważ należą one do całej Europy.
The aim of the "Foreign Mirrors" project is to make students observe the human impact on environment of a foreign country and make evaluations on good examples and bad examples of what people of that country have done to their environment.
Celem projektu "Foreign Mirrors" jest to, aby uczniowie obserwując wpływ człowieka na środowisko w obcym kraju, formułowali oceny na temat dobrych i złych przykładów tego, co ludzie z tego kraju zrobili dla środowiska.
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